
Just Chillin'

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Week 10 - Podcasts, videos and downloads

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
To me, my favorite area of learning has been blogging. I like this concept and I can see how I can learn blogging as a learning tool.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I am more willing to take chances with the Internet. I am now going to continue working on my lifelong goals. I want to continue this experience and work on my skills and knowledge so that I can help others at the library. I want to be able to keep up with technology and be able to share these experiences with others at work.
3. Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I think the concept of play to learn was very difficult to me. I didn't like working this into my "Work" schedule. This last post is done from home. I have done most of my blogging from "Work". The idea of play to learn is starting to sink in but I can see how others could take advantage of this concept. It was very difficult to work this into my schedule. But I am surprised that it's over for now. I really did enjoy this experience.
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I enjoyed this program and I was able to complete this lesson. Keep the format as it is but some lessons could have been shorter. Some lessons were easier than others. I was able to do everything except lesson 9.
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you chose to participate? Absolutely, I hope that we will continue to keep up with the concept of the library 2.0 or 3.0 or 4.0 library.

Youtube! I have to say that this Podcast website is exciting and totally cool. I refused to go to Youtube and seeing videos from the past was really crazy. I looked up Ozzie and other searches and had a wonderful time. I looked at political satire and laughed my head off. I decided not to upload a video on Youtube. I can see how people are sucked into surfing this site. That's probably why I don't go there. (Because I would waste a lot of time doing so) But I know that this can be a great learning site. I can see how we use this as a learning tool to help others, teach skills for example (beading lesson which I saw on Youtube) and how to repair books, etc.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 9 - Web Applications

Here is the link that I created for this website. I tried and I had Erica help for a few minutes. She wasn't able to show me how to get to the correct area to upload this. I was in great hopes to be able to use to get what I wrote. I tried to export what I did. As you can see, I wasn't able to do it. That link doesn't say what I wrote. I did leave the link that I created here listed above. If I did it right, I'm unaware! But I think that I am not correct on this lesson. I heard that Zoho, is a no-go! Direct quote from Amy. Oh well.

Week 8 - Wiki

Uses of Wiki:
Conference planning
Collaborative editing of documents
Meetings (posting agendas, discussion prior to meeting, etc.)
Project space
In place of structured courseware
Presentation medium
Web-based notebook to organize your thoughts

Wow! This weeks lesson is very COOL! I went to the website and I entered my information and added to Sheldon's Playhouse. I liked the idea how it notifies you that you made changes to that link. I can see how you can work on projects together and work as a team getting updates all the time. This will be a useful tool. I hope to use this in the near future.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Week 7 Tagging and

Tagging and

I browsed is a nice way of connecting browsers together. I liked looking at the links from several different people. I decided not to join this site, but I did decide to look and determine later if I wanted to maybe add this to my favorites.

The video of ottergroup was interesting. I understand how you can gather information from others online by looking at their tags. But their is a lot of information that you have to go through to filter and see what you want to tag and add maybe to your favorite blogs, links and websites.


I looked at several different links from this site. I was interested in some of the political view points and even added my opinion on several. I found this site very interesting and maybe a place I will visit again in the future. I could see how we could connect with other librarians, youth librarian and share ideas together or work on a project together. There is a lot of potential to this area of communication.

Away from Iceburgs: Librarys in the future: 2.0 Having a digital collection more vs. a physical collection. The movement of libraries is to have more articles, journals, and books via the internet, webpages and links through our website. The future of libraries are constantly changing and I can see how the libraries of the future will be so much more different than what I use to think. I am excited about the changes and I know that I have to continue to keep an open mind when it comes to collection development. I know that young children's books will never go out of style and that parents will continue to read to their kids. They want to hold and touch the book and feel it's pages.

I understand how adults will slowly move to this change and as the new generation comes along with the new library of the future, one will see that MP's, Scan disks, external drives will be common place at the library. Downloading to IPODS and other forms of technology will continue to enter in the library. Staff will have to adapt to change and we will have to continue to move towards the future of a modern library system 2.0.

Into the new world of librarianship:
To more powerful ways to coorerate:
To better bibiographic services:
To a temporary place in time:But Library 4.0 will add a new mode, knowledge spa: meditation, relaxation, immersion in a luxury of ideas and thought. In companies, this may take the form of retreat space for thought leaders, considered an investment in innovation; in public libraries, the luxurious details will require private partners as sponsors providing the sensory treats. Library 4.0 revives the old image of a country house library, and renovates it: from a retreat, a sanctuary, a pampered experience with information—subtle thoughts, fine words, exquisite brandy, smooth coffee, aromatic cigar, smell of leather, rustle of pages—to the dream economy’s library, the LIBRARY: a WiFREE space, a retreat from technohustle, with comfortable chairs, quiet, good light, coffee and single malt. You know, the library.
Wow, what a wonderful thought of the library of tomorrow! The library of the future 4.0!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 6 Social Networks

My Space:

Ok, I found Tom and he is a Libra. I know how important this social network has become. I am not a part of My Space. I see young adults, teens, and pre-teens on this site all the time. I have to admit that it's about time to become more socially available. I laugh now because I am so young, but I am now getting older and I have to keep up with the kids. I didn't realize how fast the internet has changed in this past year. I am learning more and I see that I have to get back into surfing the internet.


Again, I haven't been gaming online. I do Playstation at home and I have played some games that I have purchased. I downloaded a few games through the years. I ask kids what sites do you like. There are so many sites now that are free to game online.


My score was 8! As you can tell, I don't game online very much!

Week 5

Image Generator:
I tried out the first one (Generator Blog) and went to several different choices. I tried the George Bush one and went to send it to my blog. As you can tell, It didn't get here. Then I tried the second one (Letter James). As you can tell, I was able to upload this image that I created.
Next month! I'm getting married! Too Cool! How exciting is that!
Library Thing: This seems pretty interesting to me. I may use this to save books that I would like to read, add to the library or make a list of the books that I have already read. I did the small learning program on the site and it appears that this might be useful.
Rollyo: Oh my, not another thing to sign up for. I am not interested in this one at all. But I have to say that Library Thing is the best one when it comes to books. I am ready to learn more.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 4 - RSS Video

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders? I guess RRS is pretty cool if you are wanting a lot of information sent to you without ads and not a lot of junk mail. I subscribed to several different ones yesterday and today I am going to check on them through bloglines. I hate having a lot of different screen names and passwords. I am going to have to make up a list so I don't forget all of the websites, my screen names pass codes, etc. Today, I even forgot how to get back into this blog site. I didn't remember what e-mail I used. UGH! I wasn't too impressed with the first stories I received yesterday. But everyone has a bad day! I'm having one today and I'm sure your really not so interested in that! Sorry, but the newsreader is a "New Idea" to me but has been around a while. It seems to make a lot of other people happy. I'm hopeful it will allow others to organize what they are reading, keep up with technology, news, weather etc.

How might this technology be used in your work or personal life? Well I did check on some librarians links, weather and news. I love keeping up with the news and I enjoy the BBC since our local news tells the same stories over several different networks. I like to know what others are thinking about us here in the United States. I may learn about other libraries through this system as well. But, this is new to me. I need some time to absorb all of this and see in the end if it was worth it.

How can libraries use RSS and benefit from this technology? I can see our system making up a blog through it's website with links, see librarians work this when they have off-desk time to answer questions/answers (Q&A) We could connect with other systems across the web and have links for patrons to access via our website.

This could also be used as a learning tool for programming, staff training and online programs through RRS.

Optional: If you're up to the challenge, you can provide the URL address to your public bloglines account on your blog.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Week 3

This weeks lesson was very interesting to me. Speaking as an artist, I enjoy looking at art, photos and other peoples views. I would go to this site Flickr to browse but I'm not interested in posting my own photos here. I do use another product to organize my photos at home. I am currently working on a project to share with my family. All of my parents albums were scanned and I am in the process of making a slide show program with music etc. to give as a Christmas gift. There are a lot of other people who post their family memories here but I choose to keep my own private.
This picture is from our Summer Reading Program at Fort Myers. The teens really loved learning something new!

Friday, September 21, 2007

7 ½ Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

Week 2

This weeks lesson is a good start for me personally. I have a lot of new goals currently in my life that I would like to achieve. I am continuing down my journey of life and I am always looking towards doing new and exciting things.

My weakness: Habit 3: View problems as challenges - I know personally speaking I sometimes get overwhelmed. I have to keep my emotional part of myself separate from the situation. I think of the facts and determine what needs to be done first and make up my list. Then I can handle anything. I have to put things down in writing, make goals, set a time table, do the biggest things first and work on the smaller parts pulling it all together.

My strengths: Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner and Habit 7: Teach/mentor others - I haven't really thought of myself as having a lot of confidence. But I do have a lot of confidence "in me". I love to teach! I love showing others how to do something. It's great to share your gifts with someone who is willing to learn. I have mentored a few people over the years in my personal and professional life.

This class time has opened my ideas to "Play". I had a really hard time allowing myself to do this. But, now I am encouraging another staff person to join me on this journey. I hope she joins in.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Beginnings

Just like the first day of school. I have butterflies in my stomach. I'm excited to share a part of myself with you You know how important it is when you get up in the morning. What do I wear? How will I do my hair? Will some of my old friends be there? Will I fit in? Will I meet someone that wants to be my friend? I hope I don't do anything really stupid and like trip and fall. We all feel that way some times. I know I do. In time, the butterfiles start to go away and I learn to relax.! I just breathed. That's good. Now I can tell you. This is my first Blog and it's a bit overwealming to know that I am putting myself out there for the world to see. But that's ok and I will get over that in time too.

My life is full of new beginnings lately. I'm in a new job. I'm doing a new position. I'm in a new relationship. I'm in a new town. I'm starting over. This is my "New Beginnings" and you get to see me grow one day at a time. I'm going to make a few wrong choices. I'm going to make a few close friends. I am going to reach out and hope just like you that I am in the right place at the right time.

Now that I am a teen librarian - I'm really excited because I love working at the library in the teen department. Currently I'm reading Stephenie Meyer's book "Twilight" and it's like my life. Starting in a new place, being around new people, starting my first day, all excited and pumped up about life. But deep inside feeling a bit scared. I want to do the right things. Be the best that I can be. Show others that I am confident and smart. Not just a pretty face!

It hasn't been easy starting over and having my "New Beginnings". I have a poem called "New Beginnings" that I wrote almost two years ago when my life started to close one chapter. Now I'm in a new book. More exciting because of all the things are coming together as they should.

I keep going back to the day when I came here... In the picture above you can see me. This is right before Wilma. A beautiful Sunday day. This is the day that I decided to move here to Fort Myers.
I will add more later on... thanks for listening.