
Just Chillin'

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 6 Social Networks

My Space:

Ok, I found Tom and he is a Libra. I know how important this social network has become. I am not a part of My Space. I see young adults, teens, and pre-teens on this site all the time. I have to admit that it's about time to become more socially available. I laugh now because I am so young, but I am now getting older and I have to keep up with the kids. I didn't realize how fast the internet has changed in this past year. I am learning more and I see that I have to get back into surfing the internet.


Again, I haven't been gaming online. I do Playstation at home and I have played some games that I have purchased. I downloaded a few games through the years. I ask kids what sites do you like. There are so many sites now that are free to game online.


My score was 8! As you can tell, I don't game online very much!

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