
Just Chillin'

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Beginnings

Just like the first day of school. I have butterflies in my stomach. I'm excited to share a part of myself with you You know how important it is when you get up in the morning. What do I wear? How will I do my hair? Will some of my old friends be there? Will I fit in? Will I meet someone that wants to be my friend? I hope I don't do anything really stupid and like trip and fall. We all feel that way some times. I know I do. In time, the butterfiles start to go away and I learn to relax.! I just breathed. That's good. Now I can tell you. This is my first Blog and it's a bit overwealming to know that I am putting myself out there for the world to see. But that's ok and I will get over that in time too.

My life is full of new beginnings lately. I'm in a new job. I'm doing a new position. I'm in a new relationship. I'm in a new town. I'm starting over. This is my "New Beginnings" and you get to see me grow one day at a time. I'm going to make a few wrong choices. I'm going to make a few close friends. I am going to reach out and hope just like you that I am in the right place at the right time.

Now that I am a teen librarian - I'm really excited because I love working at the library in the teen department. Currently I'm reading Stephenie Meyer's book "Twilight" and it's like my life. Starting in a new place, being around new people, starting my first day, all excited and pumped up about life. But deep inside feeling a bit scared. I want to do the right things. Be the best that I can be. Show others that I am confident and smart. Not just a pretty face!

It hasn't been easy starting over and having my "New Beginnings". I have a poem called "New Beginnings" that I wrote almost two years ago when my life started to close one chapter. Now I'm in a new book. More exciting because of all the things are coming together as they should.

I keep going back to the day when I came here... In the picture above you can see me. This is right before Wilma. A beautiful Sunday day. This is the day that I decided to move here to Fort Myers.
I will add more later on... thanks for listening.

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